Interested in Joining Our Team? The Energy & Elections Lab is a great place to work and learn more about policy and politics related to clean energy development.
Prospective Undergraduate Students: We are currently looking for undergraduate UConn students interested in working with our lead researchers. Please visit the contact page and reach out via email.
Prospective Graduate Students: We are currently looking for prospective MA or PhD students interested in studying with our UConn PIs. Please reach out to those individual faculty personally to discuss your interest in applying to our graduate programs.
Faculty, Fellowship holders, Post-bacs, Post-docs, etc. : We are currently recruiting for the following funded positions that are associated with the lab.
Graduate assistant level 1 or 2: Assessing Connecticut's Energy Transition (Lyle Scruggs, PI) deadline March 14, 2024
If you are interested in other types of affiliations with the lab or specific projects, please visit the contact page and reach out.